Cleaning a silver teapot can be frustrating. There are so many different methods out there, but few are actually effective. Most leave you with a dirty teapot at best, and a scratched up and blemished one at worst. So how do you clean silver teapots? And do so in a way that leaves them in a perfect and brilliantly shiny condition? Keep reading for complete … [Read more...] about How To Clean Silver Teapots (The Only 2 Methods That Work)
Green Tea Side Effects On Periods (And How To Minimize Negative Ones)
Green tea is hugely beneficial. We all know that already. And it is no different during your period. Green tea has some amazing benefits to help you through this difficult time. But it also has some negative side effects that can make your period worse. The good news is that you can easily minimize (or avoid altogether) those bad effects. Keep reading to learn … [Read more...] about Green Tea Side Effects On Periods (And How To Minimize Negative Ones)
Does Matcha Go Bad? (Plus What You Can Do About It)
Have you ever had bad-tasting matcha? Then you probably had matcha that went bad. Or you bought a cheap brand that used low quality tea. And sometime, cheap brands use tea that was never fresh to begin with, on top of it being low quality. That said, matcha that has gone bad is not the end of the world. Keep reading to learn how fast matcha can go bad and how you … [Read more...] about Does Matcha Go Bad? (Plus What You Can Do About It)
Does Black Currant Tea Have Caffeine? (Plus The Health Benefits)
Black currant tea contains a ton of healthy compounds. They combine to offer some amazing health benefits. In other words: this is a great tea to drink. It tastes great and improves your overall health. But what about caffeine? Does black currant tea contain caffeine? This is an important question, whether you want caffeine in your tea or not. Keep reading for … [Read more...] about Does Black Currant Tea Have Caffeine? (Plus The Health Benefits)
Can You Drink Too Much Herbal Tea? (And What Happens?)
Think of your favorite food in the world. Now imagine having nothing else for the rest of your life. Just your favorite food for every meal, over and over again. It's just too much, right? No matter how good something is, you can always have too much of it. Herbal teas have a ton of health benefits. But you can probably guess that it's possible to overdo it. The … [Read more...] about Can You Drink Too Much Herbal Tea? (And What Happens?)
Best Tea For Menstrual Cramps (Reviews And Comparison)
Raspberry leaf tea is the best tea for menstrual cramps. The general consensus is that it is the most effective at reducing cramps and relieving the pain. That's why you'll find two raspberry leaf tea options below. Ginger tea follows closely behind, but not everyone can stomach this spicy drink. We've included a ginger tea as well. A lavender blend and a chamomile … [Read more...] about Best Tea For Menstrual Cramps (Reviews And Comparison)
Why Does Tea Make You Poop (And Which Types Do It Most)?
We've all been there, right? You're halfway through your morning cup of tea and you suddenly have to run to the bathroom. Wait...I haven't been there. Have you? If I'm honest, tea has never made me have to poop. Definitely not in the same way that coffee can. But tea does have some laxative properties. And some kinds of tea--herbal teas, not ones made from the … [Read more...] about Why Does Tea Make You Poop (And Which Types Do It Most)?
Why Does Tea Make You Pee?
I've always had a fast metabolism and a small bladder. That means a lot of trips to the bathroom. A single beer could send me to the restroom several time, in 20 minute intervals. And the same thing happens with tea. It does not make you pee as much as alcohol, but it definitely makes you pee more than other drinks It's not just your imagination. But what is … [Read more...] about Why Does Tea Make You Pee?
What Tea Is Good For Headaches?
Most headaches are tension and stress related. As such, any tea can help. Just the act of taking a minute to slow down and enjoy a cup of tea will reduce feelings of stress and bring some headache relief. But some types of tea have actually been shown to actively combat headaches. Not only that, they also have tons of other positive effects. Even if you try one and … [Read more...] about What Tea Is Good For Headaches?
What Kind Of Tea Is Served In Chinese Restaurants?
We've all been there. You go to a Chinese restaurant and they bring you some tea. Usually it's in a small pot that you use to fill your tiny cups. You try some and it is incredible. Part of that is due to the atmosphere, but it's also due to quality tea leaves that are brewed perfectly. This means that you can recreate the experience at home. But you need to get the … [Read more...] about What Kind Of Tea Is Served In Chinese Restaurants?